This Fall, Hillsborough County Commissioners have placed an additional one cent sales tax on the ballot for us to either pass or fail. This additional tax would go for transportation and would make Hillsborough’s sales tax even higher than most, making us less competitive. Currently, this is how our 7.5% tax compares to other counties around the United States:
  • Higher maximum sales tax than any other Florida counties
  • Higher maximum sales tax than 53% of counties nationwide
Who has not driven on Gibsonton Drive and have almost lost a part from your vehicle due to a pothole? Who has not driven on Symmes Road or Riverview Drive and have feared for your life? And worse, who has not driven through the intersection of Big Bend Road and US 41 and have been thrown into on-coming traffic because of the dangerous construction?
It makes sense to increase our sales tax to help our roads, right?
Well, did you know, in Hillsborough County we already pay some of the highest impact fees (taxes) for new home construction? We already have some of the highest property taxes in the state. Highest sales tax, highest impact fees, and highest property taxes and our elected officials still cannot pave a road!
Yes, we see construction at our worse intersections, but have you really seen any progress since the construction began?
Today, I submit to you, that our local elected leaders have intentionally slowed road projects to bring pain on the residents so we will be encouraged to pass another tax on our already highest tax rate.
In Apollo Beach alone, a new fire station will have broken ground, built, and staffed before the intersection of Big Bend Road and US 41 even comes close to halfway complete. TECO will have created at least a 100-acre solar farm and a new car wash will also be complete.
Just North of this intersection, a sidewalk was started between Kracker Ave and Adamsville Rd and remains unfinished and untouched since March. This is leading to drainage problems in a county ditch bringing even more mosquitoes. Oh, and this sidewalk connects to no other sidewalk.
Just a little North of this, county easements all along US 41 remain un-mowed, un-kept, with many culverts either failing or repairs initiated but remain incomplete since March.
Just take a drive along any road throughout Gibsonton and you will see un-maintained County Easements. It is not only embarrassing, but also dangerous. And you know, if your neighbor is not willing to take care of their property, what is the incentive for you to do the same.
Today, I ask you to refuse to add an additional tax on yourselves unless the current elected officials become more fiscally responsible for what we already pay. WE MUST TAKE A STAND AGAINST, the mismanagement of our hard-earned tax dollars TODAY!
Danny Kushmer
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